data value chain


In the last few years, data has been likened, aside from the hackneyed comparison to ‘oil’, to any number of tangible entities such as mineral deposits, dividend deposits, and even the Alaskan Permanent Fund. Metaphors as a tool could re-entrench existing power asymmetries or resist them, depending on how they impact and influence our…


A data-propelled tendency for economic concentration and the policy deficits that have fueled the rise of Big Tech companies have brought to the fore a critical realization – market power is coterminous with data power and the entrenched control of Big Tech over the data value chains is at the heart of the problem of economic inequality. The…


IT for Change, in partnership with SEWA Cooperative Federation and Vrutti Livelihood Impact Partners, organized a policy roundtable on 24 August 2022 in New Delhi to explore emerging intersections between digitalization and agriculture in India.

Titled, ‘The Digital Ecosystem Opportunity for Indian Agriculture - Making the Right Choices…