
ITfC conducted a study to design a framework for implementing ICT integration in school education for the entire country, in collaboration with Tata Trusts. The study aimed to build a knowledge…

Drawing from IT for Change’s work, this submission provides an…

The purpose of this issue paper is to lay out the key legal, institutional, and ethical issues concerning technology-mediated Violence against Women (VAW), to raise critical questions for further…

E-commerce platforms have radically reorganized economic activity, given rise to new structures of intermediation and changed the conception of global trade altogether. And yet structural…

In March 2018, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights invited all stakeholders to provide input on human rights challenges relating to the right to privacy in the digital age,…


Reorienting "data for development"

"Data for development" enjoys high currency in global policy circles. It has come to stand for the idea that…

IT for Change helped the Telangana Department of School Education to develop the ICT syllabus and textbook for high school and higher primary school students, and the corresponding teacher…

Developing countries need to recognise that in the datafying economy, any step towards creating a level playing field for local platforms must foreground and tackle the question of data in digital…

Current trajectories of the network-data complex relying on corporate partnerships cast data and intelligence as purely market goods. Investment by state in public data architectures could show…

This document puts forth a research framework for ‘Policy Frameworks for Digital Platforms - Moving from Openness to Inclusion’. It outlines and clarifies the key concepts invoked in this project…