Nandini Chami

1. What’s the Global Digital Compact?

The Global Digital Compact (GDC) is a framework for international digital cooperation that is currently being negotiated as an annex to the Pact for the Future, an intergovernmental agreement that seeks to “build a multilateral system that delivers for everyone, everywhere” with concrete actions towards…


The Global Digital Justice Forum responded to the Joint Questionnaire for CSTD's 20-year review of the World Summit on Information Society implementation. The submission focused on the fact that instead of the vision of "people-centered, inclusive and development oriented" future, the digital era has been driven by increasing exclusions,…


Towards Democratic Governance of Digital Society is the January 2024 edition of the WACC's Media Development Journal. This issue seeks to address growing concerns around the potential for governments, security services, and Big Tech to misuse digital technologies to suppress and exploit users. More importantly, it delineates pathways to ensure…


IT for Change responded to the Open Consultation Process on the WSIS Forum organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Our inputs focused on how the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event should address questions of the digital and data divide, in particular the critical role of democratic governance of the digital as vital to the…


IT for Change’s Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami contributed a chapter to the book, Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads. The book engages in debates and discussions focused on the current trends and challenges of communication governance, in addition to analyzing relevant actors and technologies shaping policies in the field. …


In an interview with Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami of IT for Change, Sally Burch (ALAI) explores the concept of “digital intelligence” as a broader conception of AI that takes into account the interaction between human and digital systems. This interview was originally published in Spanish by the digital magazine,…


The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act of 2023 has rightly been criticised for failing to uphold good consent and data subject rights. One provision that has been largely overlooked is Section 16, which pertains to the transfer and processing of personal data outside India. Section 16 permits data fiduciaries to transfer personal data…


IT for Change submitted its inputs to the public consultation organized by the Rajasthan government on its proposed Rajasthan Platform Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill, 2023. The Bill is one of the first to create a fund for guaranteeing social security benefits to platform-based gig workers, and in that regard, aligns with IT…


In April 2023, the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology introduced Amendments to The Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020, and opened the same for public consultation. The Amendment allows non-state actors to provide Aadhaar-enabled authentication services. This was…


UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for a Summit of the Future to address global crises, scheduled for September 2024. Ahead of this, a preparatory meeting in September 2023 will allow governments, civil society, trade unions, and researchers to shape the discourse on multilateralism.

The recent report "Spotlight on…